Um um... There may or may not be a boy in the girls bathroom. Room 29 have been reading a book that is Called There's A Boy In The Girls Bathroom.
The book has two main characters Bradley Chalkers and Jeff Fishkin. Bradley Chalkers is a mean bully, but he turns out to be a very very good person. Jeff Fishkin starts of to be a good person but he turns into an even worse bully than Bradley Chalkers used to be. But why is the title called There's A Boy In Bathroom? Well it's because...
... maybe I don't need to tell you.
By Michael
Friday, June 23, 2017
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Harold's Here!
Life Education Van
On Week 7 we went to the life Education Van and guess who we met? Harold! On our first trip to the Life Education Van we met Harold and he said that his friend Billy was a new kid and he wasn't doing so well.
We had to look at peoples body language because their face's were covered by some stars. We each took turns to come up and stick our cards below the people. Once everyone had stuck their cards up then she took of the stars and then we each had a turn to move our cards if we wanted to.
On our last visit we got cards again and we stuck them under a Leader or a Boss. Once we had done so we got to see Harold again and we got to see all the things we could buy.
By Michael
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
This year, Room 31 have been doing Robotics(also known as Coding).We have had lots of fun learning Kodable and Scratch.Mrs Taylor have taught us how to control a robot and make
it take rubbish to the bin. In Kodable, you just need to code the fuzzball and make it get all
the stars.
In Scratch, we are learning how to make a chatbot. A chatbot is a robot talking. It asks you questions like "What is your name?"
and "How are you?" It has been a lot of fun!
This is the website to go onto Scratch and Kodable:

By: Alice Z
Bird Art
Bird Art
For about the past 2 weeks Room 29 have been working on there bird art.
First we drew on whiteboards of birds. When we thought we have done it good on the whiteboard we will copy it onto a A4 piece of paper
Next we could do it landscape or portrait. If we did it landscape we could do 2 or 3 birds but if we do it portrait we do one enormous bird so that it covers the whole page.
After that we can get water colors and paint our bird/birds. When it has dried we cut it out and glue fake feathers on our bird.
Last we dyed another piece of paper blue, let it dry and get creative paint and paint a branch on it. Once it has dried we glued our bird on it and then it is done.
By Ben
For about the past five weeks we have been having lessons from Mrs. Taylor has been teaching us about coding. She has been teaching us how to use Scratch, Kodable and the robot. First we learn't about what we are doing on scratch and how to use it.
Secondly we started on making a game called The Shark Game, Mrs. Taylor had special sheets that had all the code we needed to make the Shark Game. We all made different tweaks to the game and that's what made every game unique.
After we had got quite good at Scratch we moved on to Kodable which was pretty easy for most of us and then we had half the class using our robots and then some on Kodable and Scratch.
Mrs. Taylor is AWESOME!
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